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Riverview Homes, Inc.

1 5 1 1 Review(s)


Phone (724) 567-5647
Address 2623 River Rd,
Vandergrift, PA 15690 United States


Retail sales of manufactured and modular homes. $8 million of inventory on display on 8 giant sales centers.

Reviews for Riverview Homes, Inc.

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  • Riverview Homes, Inc.

    mortgage Fraud and appraisal Fraud

    1 5 0

    Posted On:

    “you should never lie to a state agent do you think they keep there important docs.????you better read the law on mortgage FRAUD and appraisal FRAUD god can forgive,but i know we never will thanks so much for all the sleepless nights and all the mental stress and hardship you and your partners have caused us as well as our children and the loss of FAMILY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do you think for one minute the law is going to over look what you and your partners have done??do you think there could be jail time?????think about it you can't lose a comparible porperty once it exists it is allways going to be there in some form or shape{maybe an historical appraisal} no more LIES!!!!!!! the appraisal is the root to this whole scam you and your partners had to show masion dixion funding that appraisal before construction closing for them to agree to be an end lender and for insurance pmi !!! no more LIES!!!!!!you and you partners know what you did and so do we MORTGAGE FRAUD and APPRAISAL FRAUD!!!!!!!!!!!!”

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